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Breastfeeding,co-sleeping, attachment parenting mother. Trying to save babies from unnecessary exposure to infant formula. Supporter of proper information distributed to mothers worldwide on the benefits of breastfeeding and the risks of infant formula. Doing everything possible to make the risks known!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Taking on the big wigs...

So in between trying to raise a happy, healthy and well adjusted toddler as well as trying to complete my teaching diploma, I have decided to take on the infant formula corporations.  This, I'm sure you can imagine, is no mean feat.  I have started my quest here on Facebook (of course) as well as having contacted the International Baby Food Action Network (who I am waiting to find out whether or not will support my campaign).  I am also trying to find a lawyer experienced in international courts who will be kind enough to help me.  It's all a waiting game (and if you knew me, you'd know how much I HATE waiting!). 

This is my plan...
1.  Try and gather as many supporters on Facebook as possible.
2.  Post as many links to as many studies as I can that prove infant formula is an extremely harmful substance.
3.  Liase with international bodies on the campaign to have infant formula corporations the world over display a health warning on their labels.
4.  Speak to a lawyer about a whole bunch of legal stuff.
5.  Start a petition to gather as many signatures as possible to present to whoever I need to present it to to make the change.
6.  Take the infant formula corporations to court and force them by way of VERY heavy fines to display health warning's on their labels.
7.  Change the world and save babies lives.

I would like to put down my thoughts on all 'the legal stuff' but don't want the formula companies to know what I'm up to just yet.  I mean, with only 101 likes on Facebook they can hardly take me seriously just yet but that is why it is imperative for me to gain as much support as necessary to bring them 'down'. 

Do I judge mothers who formula feed?  I judge mothers who choose not to breastfeed, without arming themselves with the information that is so readily available out there to show them how dangerous infant formula is.  I judge mothers who think that breastfeeding is 'creepy' and 'gross'.  I judge mothers who say their breasts are for their 'husbands' and not their babies.  Unfortunately, these mothers that I judge, are just people who have fallen into the formula trap as I like to call it.  Should I blame them for falling into the trap?  No, in all honesty I'm not sure I can blame them.  But I do think that in this information age, they should take advantage of all the information that's out there and use it and not trust well-meaning (though mis-informed) family members. 

Although I understand and accept that formula has saved *some* babies lives, it has probably killed many more babies.  In fact, I KNOW it has killed many more babies.  Babies that have grown up and died of obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc etc etc.  People just don't get how important infant nutrition is; they don't get how the way a baby is fed as a baby, reaches through into the rest of their lives.  Couple that with bad genes and you have a recipe for disaster (nutrition alters genes, see here {ok I know it's the Daily Fail but still..}).  Look at it like this, you're fed junk food (read formula) as a baby and you're quite big because of that, your chances are now higher for being obese as your metabolism slows down in adulthood, thus, your genes have changed so you now carry the 'obese gene'.  You procreate, you have a baby, you feed it junk food (read formula), your baby is big, except, instead of slimming out during childhood like you did and then gaining weight in adulthood finally becoming obese, your child grows.. and grows.. and grows.. and never slims out, because now, in addition to carrying the 'obese gene', it's been fed formula so it's genes have been altered to be 'morbidly obese genes'.  And so the vicious cycle continues.  Not *all* formula fed babies, become obese, I accept that.  But just because they aren't obese, does not mean that they don't carry the altered gene that is now the 'obese gene'.  Or, if they're really luck, they come from a really good gene pool and they will be generations of formula feeders who NEVER become obese (but develop diabetes, cancer, meningitis etc).  Who knows.  Genetics are a tricky thing.  But you can be sure that being fed formula as a baby, means a lifetime of health issues for yourself, your children, your grandchildren and so on.  I come from a line of formula feeders, but ever since I was a little girl, I knew I would breastfeed.  I didn't think as a 7 year old "I'm going to breastfeed", instead I was fascinated with it and put puppies to my flat chest (lol!) or dollies or whatever.  When I became pregnant with my son, THAT was when I said, I am going to try and breastfeed.  And so I have done.  And still going strong at 19 months. 

So, take a look at the page, spread the word, and above all, RESEARCH the dangers of infant formula before you have a baby.  Don't forget, if you formula feed because of whatever medication you were on when your child was a baby that meant you couldn't breastfeed, you could always relactate now that you're off the medication and express milk for your baby to drink from a cup :) (or if they are still really young, relactate and teach them to latch again).

1 comment:

  1. Hi there - I agree with virtually none of what you say but be that as it may, I support your right to say it and I don't doubt you have the best of motives.

    As a lawyer, I thought it might be useful to know how difficult it you will find it to go after corporations. The best thing to do is find out where each company is registered - in the UK, for example, it is a place called (conveniently) Companies House (you can easily google it to get details if you need it) and then find out what the laws are in that jurisdiction. So if a company is registered in Switzerland, you should go after them under Swiss law. There shouldn't be too many corporations so your research in that area should not be too onerous. Once you know where a company is registered and what their relevant laws are, then you can contact a lawyer in that country. Some lawyers and law firms are registered in several jurisdictions but this is fairly unusual. And if a company is registered anywhere in the EU, then they will have to follow EU Regulations regarding infant formula. This means you have to find out how each country took those EU Regulations and put them into their national laws. You can't directly enforce an EU regulation, only the national law that puts that Regulation into force (hope that makes sense - it can be a bit confusing).

    You can also try to sue under contract law, but you'd have to find someone who was a formula user who felt that the company breached the buyer/producer contract. If the formula reached the market in an acceptable state and fit for purpose, that might be a tough road, but it is worth it to check out forums to see if you can find someone.

    Anyway, I hope that's a starting point for you. Lawyers will be more receptive if you come with your research in hand.

